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Soul Nurture Session

Sunday 15th September

12.30pm - 3.30pm

Blackheath, Blue Mountains


As women, we have so much competing for our attention.

Children, family, friends, work, home...


The mental load is REAL.

Always trying to stay a few steps ahead to make sure everything is sorted.

You know EVERYTHING has a flow on effect. 


How often do you make time and space for YOURSELF?

Because that has a flow on effect too.


It is time to Nurture YOU, lovely.



How would it feel to put the spinning plates down and take a pause?

I so want you to see how giving yourself a little bit of creative time can energise you.

How it can create such a beautiful and powerful shift in your mind and heart. 


I want you to feel seen, heard, valued. 

To finally feel FREE to be however you ARE in the moment. 

Without judgement


I want this to be a space you can feel completely cared for and nurtured.



















This is a place to acknowledge, release and reclaim!


It doesn’t matter if you have NEVER picked up a paintbrush before…

I promise you there’s something waiting for you on that canvas.


Is there a part of your soul that yearns for a creative outlet?

A place for expressing allll the things that you are holding inside?

The good, the bad, the ugly… it is all welcome!


What would it feel like if you had

the tools, time, space and gentle guidance

to give something back to your creative heart? 

















What will the sessions look like?

The Soul Nurture art sessions will be

once a month at The Wild Atelier, in Blackheath.

Each session is $40. I will provide all materials included as well as

some delicious food to share (think warm soup in winter!).

You can even have a lush scalp oil treatment (100% natural oil)

and a touch of Reiki if you like.


These sessions will be a small gathering so booking is essential!

A safe place to connect, share and feel inspired.

To nurture your creative soul.

To have someone hold the space for you to explore your own creative energy

with complete freedom - no pressure, no mistakes, no right or wrong. 




















I am so looking forward to seeing how this creative process nurtures you back to yourself.

It is such an honour to create this space for you…

I CAN NOT WAIT to share it with you. 


Spaces are limited - please reach out if you have any questions at all, or go ahead and book below!


So much love, 



P.S. Prefer to have a 1:1 session? That's possible too!

Reach out - and we can make a time. 

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